YAYS!! finally graduated!
the feeling of accomplishment!!
actually, this is just the ceremony cos i've already collected my transcript last year.. haa.
debbie and i.
anita, photoshop yourself in. lol

daddy, this is for you!
i graduated!!

my family!.. :)
love love them lots!

... and my extended family..
pastor amos and aunty doris
love you both!

my dear sister,
it'll be your turn in 3 years!

aunt and grandpa.
grandma couldn't come.. :(

me. grace. clara

we're proud to be the tan family! :D
my classmates..
only 9 out of 40 (2 were missing somewhere) attended the graduation.

matthew, the young professor in the making.
study smart and work hard and you'll get to wear your own academic dress..