Thursday, February 16, 2006


7 dwarfs =)

wee wee & charcoal

waiting for the other 3 dwarfs to come

xueyi & izzy

izzy's hungry..she's eating cheeeessseee. LOL

hungry hungry.. eating xueyi's valentine's day prezzie.. haha

weeee weeee

wee wee's valentine's gift

charcoal's valentine's gift

wee wee's playing "poker cards"

look at xueyi's face while giving v-day's gift to joelyn..haha

look at the valentine's day prezzies!

so hardworking??..haha. she's actually copying jap hw. lol.

my birthday prezzie from the 7 dwarfs!
nice nice! (=

ordering food time! yay!

thirsty thirsty...

yummy yummy! food!

eating and chatting.

serene, veron, guan ling, kawai

what's the pepper doing in the picture??? haha

what are the extra fingers doing there?? haha.

charcoal, waiwai

charcoal, miss/mrs ho

jo, codfish, izzy

smile! =)

crazyeee pple. lol.

charcoal, mrs ho, jo

the spousies...hee hee

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