Tuesday, September 05, 2006

i finally got my high school musical dvd. happy me. :) :) :)

caught monster house today with a few of my classmates. it was a funny show. but thot the plot was something similar to that cartoon show called recess kids or something like that. haha. and during the show, i had extra sound effects from the kids that were sitting like 4 seats away! they were like talking, asking questions about the show, etc. irritating kids. blah blah.. thank God matthew isn't like that in the movies. hehe.

anita and i.
the very first fren i made in school. :)
anita's my mummy in school. haha. great help and company!
thank you!
my classmates..
keith. joel. raj.
veron. anita.
anita the mummy with all her children. lol
cool company! they simply just crack you up.

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