love you heaps!
love you heaps!
we sprang a surprise birthday dinner for esther yesterday nite @ delhi. we had north indian food. similar to the one we had at chutney. yummy! :) it was a dream come true for yeeks to celebrate her birthday with her church mates, her best fren in poly and us. :) :)
me and the birthday girl! c:

mrs ho! congrats on passing your driving!! you power! passing under mr poh.. :D
this reminds me, are 'pohs' scary pple?!! in sec 2, had a form teacher mrs poh.. she's like super duper fierce la. always pms-ing. always screaming away. always changing everyone's seating arrangement, dunno for what also la. and and, she did the most retarded thing la. she deducted marks for our maths test becos of our untidy handwriting. like hello, it was a maths test. rushing for time already la.. stupid woman. hurhur. think she, gomez, simon and the poh driving tester can be very good frens. hahaha!
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