met up with waiwai, jo and xueyi for lunch today.. though we were back to jp, but we still had a superb time!! :) it's been sometime since we laughed like that! joking, crapping, teasing.. LOL! it was like during school days! missing those days! uni life is just different. don't you pple agree??!! then we happened to bump into yiru.. can't wait for class gathering! (xueyi, waiting for you to finish exams to continue your planning. keke)after lunch, had to head back to school.. had advertising module.. today's topic was so maths and econs lar.. 1. had to draw a product life cycle graph, which looks like the x^2 graph.. but kept drawing the stats graph, the poisson or binomial nonsense.. haha. gave stats back to teacher le.. hehe. only can draw graph for you.. mrs leow, you shld have been in class la.. haha. 2. how can advertising create jobs?? becos of the derived demand.. mrs ho, where are you??? WHAHAHAHA!!!! then somehow the lecturer linked it to substitutes and complements. guess wad came to my mind?!!!!! gomez making us each name a pair of substitutes and complements. LOL!first charcoal product available! LOL! anyone wants to order?? hehe. mrs leow was my first customer. MUAHAHA!!!

mrs leow!

zi lian photo. WHAHAHA!

a candid shot.. dunno what i was doing also. ahahaha!! i look so funny! LOL!

waiwai and codfish

jo just arrived..

mrs leow and jo

aunty jo and charcoal

self taken photos are still the best! hehe.
take 1

take 2

take 3

tried taking a group shot while on the escalator.. LOL. but not very successful though.. whaha!
attempt 1

attempt 2

attempt 3

but the pic turned out just fine when it's just the 2 of us. muahaha

guess who i met on the bus while going to school... blackie2.. haha. haven seen her like since dunno when.. hehe. it was good meeting you again blackie2! :)
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