Saturday, April 14, 2007

the time is now! revival in nations are happening. the end time is here. Jesus is coming back.

today was my first time attending Pastor Benny Hinn's miracle crusade and it was AWESOME! (: the presence of God just filled the stadium and His annointing was just so powerful. it was simply amazing amazing amazing. Praise God for all the miracles that happened! all glory goes to Jesus! i've seen such miracles on tapes and all, but this time it was happening right before my very eyes. miracles were happening right there and then in the indoor stadium. all empty wheel-chairs were up on stage. people who used to be sitting on it were healed healed healed! they could walk, they could jump.. and none went back home sitting in their wheel chairs. the anointing was so strong i tell you! cancer patients with pain in their body were healed. deaf people could hear, and so many more.. God's word is so true.. the lame shall walk, the blind shall see, and the deaf shall hear. healing is 100% ours becos Jesus died on the cross for us. salvation comes not only with forgiveness, but healing as well. awesome truth! and my God is a God of miracles! AMEN!

and Benny Hinn also said that he has been invited to speak in Indonesia, and the Middle East like Israel, etc... wow. revival is happening. the time is now to make a choice.

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